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Reasons Why App Maintenance Is Very Important


The surging popularity of smartphones, tablets and mobile connectivity is compelling nearly every business towards application development programs. Without a second thought, mobile applications are changing and helping how the general population perceives design as a whole. Statistics reveal that as large as 90% of the population are devoting their time using apps in 2019. 

Google Maps, Instagram, Uber, Facebook, YouTube, Snapchat, Whatsapp and several other comparable business apps are some of the leading businesses names who do not need an introduction when it comes to their popularity rating. A large number of users operating these “most used” apps have pre set expectations that they “just work” when someone pulls out their device. When analysed, the expectations of users pertaining to simple to use, always work, beautiful and entertaining has been counted as the first preferences they seek when it comes to incorporating apps into their everyday lives. 

Building and launching an app does not end the work. Or spending hundreds of hours thinking about app concepts and even more hours on its implementation. Failing to maintain the app leads to challenges in market presence, which sooner or later translates into application failure and its uninstallation. When it comes to the regular maintenance of apps, there are no set rules about the frequency of app updation. 

However, studies revealed the fact that applications that have not been updated in over 6 months are more prone to poor ratings, reviews and leads to uninstallation. Regular maintenance of apps keeps you vigilant in Google Play Store and App Store. Higher rankings leads to higher app downloads, lower cost per installs and doubling revenues. 

One of the magnificent examples of this is giant instant messaging app Whatsapp. In early 2020, the majority of you heard that Whatsapp will stop working on millions of phones. Whatsapp clearly had no option just to ensure the services remained secure. 

Does My App Really Need Maintenance? 

To analyze whether your app requires maintenance and support, the more complex the architecture of your app, the greater the size of database, the more the need of support and maintenance. For illustration, you own a complex ecommerce app that has millions of daily active users. In this case, you require a more proactive maintenance plan to a minimal one-page app that is meant for implementing basic functionality. 

Why Care About Mobile App Maintenance?

If your app is designed for external users, there are higher chances of the app being obsolete as some variables will change within a few months of its release date and impact not only your app’s performance but also business. Maintenance of apps is equally important as its development.  Find out the reasons below:


When it comes to applications, users love new things and new features. With the release of new mobile devices, obsolete apps fail to work as they were intended. So, keeping in mind the hardware change, businesses need to frequently update apps so that they should not lose their users. 

Operating System

The yearly or timely updates of iOS and Android versions impel users to update their apps so that they are compatible with newer versions. 

Programming languages

Apps require maintenance and updates based on the changes to programming language. From Objective C to Swift, Java to HTML5, your app needs constant care and upkeep to meet expectations of the audience. 

User Interface

Keeping up with changing styles, trends and habits of customers is an essential part of your app long term success. Despite the fact that users want your application simple, easy and top notch, they also expect the UI to be modern and different from your competitors.  The UI that is cool today will be outdated next year and most apps start to look the same again. 

New Enhancement And Features

Whenever there is an advancement in technology, introduction of new features, amendments in the existing features, the need of app maintenance becomes a must. If your app is important to your business and users, it’d better be updated so that your business and app should pace up with the technology. 

Performance Optimization

Your system ought to perform better and there are several major and minor changes that can be made up to your server side and front end integration to accelerate the performance of apps. The more attention is given to updates of apps, the better it leads to performance optimization. 

Wrapping Up

Almost all types of businesses nowadays are relying largely on apps to create more emotional connection and engagement with their consumers. There is an urgent need of constantly updating and maintaining your application in the long term.By focusing on longevity, stability, controlling expenses, hiring experienced labor, and valuing passion over profits, you’ll stand a much better chance to reflect on consistent small successes instead of one big failure. It’s all about the app. Both Android and iOS have conquered the world because of apps. 

More people are looking to apps as a medium to connect to masses. Where the younger generation is attuned to the app’s presentation, its look and feel and most importantly its ability to connect. On the other hand, the elderly generation is accustomed to apps that are easy to navigate and simple in design.